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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My wife

As Heather and I work our way through each new day and what challenge each has brought us so far, I wanted to stop and say a bit about my wonderful wife. Let me state first off I (well my job and I) have uprooted her from the one place she has always lived, namely Fort Worth, and in her case that means leaving all her family and friends as well....all of them. As we sat here in our new city the other night we both agreed that it's not just that we miss our friends and family a ton, but there's also the issue that when you are new and alone you have no options with personal contact. You can't just call up your buddies at the drop of a hat and go hang least not yet. So there's that. Also, I started work yesterday which leaves my bride at home by herself during the day. I'm not saying we won't meet people or that this is just too hard for us (come on people, we've only been here a week) I'm just stating what's going on now.
So, back to my bride. She has held up so well, and is taking this with such a great spirit. This is not easy for either of us, especially her and I realize that. She is such a trooper, such a wonderful companion and has been such a servant and caretaker to me during this whole time. What an amazing woman.
I remember when I first saw Heather singing on stage 8 years ago at a little club in Burleson Texas and I would have never dreamed that she would even talk to me. And look at us now. My wife is the most amazing woman in the world, and has always been the one there for me to jabber to about work (and I jabber), to voice my ideas/frustrations/complaints to, to listen to me practice my speeches, to iron my clothes for a big day, to pray for me when I'm not there, etc. etc. etc. I love this woman more than words could express and there is no one I would rather make this move and change with than her.

Thank you sweetie for who you are and what you always do for me every single day.

Love you =)

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