pregnancy calendar

Saturday, March 31, 2007

New look, new things

Check out the update y'all. You might notice a new menu at the top of the page which will help you navigate around some new features on our sight. We now have a media page where we will post all videos, music, etc. that you can navigate and have a blast. There is also a new running journal page for Alex where you can follow his progress if you wish. Search around, but please have a good time doing it.




Thursday, March 29, 2007

Post Secret

Last night Heather and I went to a lecture at Tulsa University with the man above, Frank Warren, who is the creator of a project titled "Post Secret". The idea is, to put it in very basic terms, as follows: people buy or create post cards and write a secret on them and send them to his home address (some have return addresses, some don't). That's it...nothing more to it. The results have been pretty amazing. What started as Warren handing out 300 blank cards at subway stations and street corners has taken a life of it's own to the point where Warren now received 100-200 postcards a day. (Read more about Warren's website and the project at Wikipedia here).

Every week he compiles all the cards he receives and the Saturday night will sift through them all, finding the 20 he finds most web worthy and posts them on his website, Here are some examples:

And then there is my personal favorite:

I did not send this one in either, just for the record! =)

The lecture was actually very cool and thought provoking. One of the most interesting things he mentioned relates to something that is near to my heart. He talked about how when he publishes these cards on his sight or in one of his books, he feels like he is adding a voice to this voiceless community of people out there who are alone, afraid, or who just want to vent their thoughts for someone to listen. He spoke about how in the society we live in today people are so busy and on the move that no one has time for one another, and because everyone is so disconnected we have raised a generation of people who don't know how to relate to one another in a face to face manner. Warren feels like the project, now several years and 100,000 post cards in the making has taken on it's own life and has become about so much more than just people telling secrets....I'll let you decided what you think about it. Either way, visit his sight and give it a chance, you might be surprised at what you see.

All that being said, I thought it would be interesting to see if any of you who read this would be willing to post your secret here on the sight. If you want to, please hit respond to this post, and post something anonymously that you think would relate. Maybe no one will....maybe someone will be vulnerable, who knows??


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Killoren's New Video

Here is a new video from Nate and Ginna that really breaks down the Sudan crisis and why they are going. All in a nice 2 minute package. Enjoy!!


Where I work

Some of you might be curious as to where my new store is in Tulsa, and why it's such a big deal that I'm here. My new store is in the heart of the retail district in Tulsa in a very high end shopping center called Utica Square.

Check out their website here.


Runner "Runs" Around the World

Well, in my never ending quest to compare myself to everyone, I've now met my match. On March 26th, Robert Garside was officially nominated in the Guinness World Book of records as being the first person to run around the world, a mere 30,000 miles and 6 years after he began.

Read more about it here and here.

Ok...but can he make a latte??? I bet he walked a little...


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tulsa Golden Driller

Here is the first in what will become a series of spotlights on some Tulsa landmarks. So today the Lundys bring you the Tulsa Golden Driller. I distinctly remember this from when I was young, however I don't remember the fact that although it looks very much like a man, the crotch area is VERY androgynous. Scary.

The driller is located near the expo square about 3 miles from our house, and I for one am glad that (s)he is so close. I don't know why, but when I'm around him all is well.

To give you an idea of how big he is, here is Heather hugging the drillers foot. WOW! Why head to the Taj Mahal (not the apartment complex in Fort Worth off of Camp Bowie) when you can go here??

Isn't it obvious that Heather is in love???


Heather's New Favorite Video

Here is a link to Heather's new favorite video on You Tube. She actually downloaded it to our desktop and watches at least 2 to 3 times a day. Slight language warning for all of you youngsters out there:

"What are you going to do when the monsters come?"


Monday, March 19, 2007

Photo (shop) fun

Tonight, after a very very long day at work, I found some comfort in photoshop. I love to edit pictures in one way or another, just as long as they turn out funnier than there originally were.

First off, Nate sent me this pic from New Years Eve:

What a picture!!! This embodies both how we all felt at that moment (almost 2 am at Old South Pancake house is never a good thing...something must have led to you being there that late) and our individual personalities in one picture.

So out of that I created this wonderment:

If you have any questions about the above picture, just email me.

I have recently found out how to make animated pictures with photoshop, and those of you who have seen my myspace page have seen the infamous "Foot peel out" session:

Foot Peel Outs

And now I have a new one which I have entitled "Medal":

Ribby gave me this one

And finally my favorite of the night, the Baby K picture. While the verdict is still out, I think it's a boy....and it looks a lot like Nate:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Goodnight and good luck.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Home sweet home??

Today I decided I would take a few hours and drive back to the town that I know as my first hometown (my real hometown will always be Fort Worth), that is Coweta Oklahoma, which is about 20 minutes south east of Tulsa. I drove back through all the streets and places where I spent so much time when I was young and it just wasn't the same. I don't really know what I expected but whatever I thought it would be, it wasn't. I thought a lot about my experiences as a young man and I think the thing that really bummed me out was that I wanted someone to recollect with me...someone who was there with me then, and when could relate to what I was talking about. And as I thought about that I realized that my experience is just that, mine and mine only. There is no way that I could sit in front of you and tell you what I saw, heard, smelled, etc. and expect you to ever understand or appreciate it the way I did or would want you to. Crazy...

As I think further on all of those experiences of my youth, I have come to realize that although none of you will ever know exactly what I'm speaking of when I do speak of them, you, in some way, have or are experiencing the end result of all of them. They are what made me who I am today. This flips me out as I think about how God has laid the framework for all these things to happen and for me to experience to lead me to Him and to His saving grace. How would I have known as a kid riding my bike with my best friends that God would have me back in that exact place 15+ years later. It's too much to think about really. It makes me sad to think that I still to this day trust Him so little to take care of me and to lead me in the right direction when I can look back and see how for almost 30 years He's been there taking care of me. What do I need to learn from this? What does this say about where He has me now and where will I be in the future? Thank God that He is leading this and not me.

All that being said, while I was there today I took pictures and video of some of the memorable places that shaped who I am today. I am going to post them at our picture site, and then be looking for a video to come very soon (sorry for those of you who have been wanting one...they are coming =) ). I know they won't express exactly what I felt as I shot them, but if you are curious as to where I'm from then come check them out and let me know what you think.


The Whistles Go "Wooo"

Since my last post I have been busy busy busy getting into my new store. It is a great store with so many great partners, but it's inevitable that it will take some time for the staff to get used to me, and vica versa. There are so many things to do, just not so much time. Oh well, it will all work out in the wash.
I wanted to comment very quickly on a couple of things that have happened in the past week that I haven't gotten around to mentioning here.

  • So, ORU is out of the tourney. I can't say I'm surprised, but it's always nice to dream eh?? That's what I love about the madness that is dream the impossible dream.

  • A&M is actually in the sweet 16 so my man Andy must be happy. I have to say that they have looked awesome and are now my pick to win it all, especially after Texas blew it tonight.
  • We watched 'Marie Antoinette' on Friday night and although it was a bit girly (what do you expect) I really ended up enjoying it. I have to hand it to Sofia Coppola and her directing style...each of her movies (Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation) has this amazing understated raw emotion and beauty that is so surealistic and draws me into the character unlike many of the films I have seen. I have never initially enjoyed her movies but as I thought on them I realized the genius that is in each, and the bonus is that the soundtracks rock!!! See the movie..I give it a A.

  • On the flip side, 'The Boy In the Plastic Bubble' was on today. What a joke...don't see it.

  • I've been re-falling in love with a man named Bubb Rubb and his companion Lil Sis. If you haven't seen the video, check it out below. Each time I watch it I regain a little bit more faith in humanity.

What I love even more, however, is the remix video someone did (see below as well). The fact that someone took the time to create this masterpiece is amazing and reminds me of something I would do if I had the talent. A boy can dream...


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My wife

As Heather and I work our way through each new day and what challenge each has brought us so far, I wanted to stop and say a bit about my wonderful wife. Let me state first off I (well my job and I) have uprooted her from the one place she has always lived, namely Fort Worth, and in her case that means leaving all her family and friends as well....all of them. As we sat here in our new city the other night we both agreed that it's not just that we miss our friends and family a ton, but there's also the issue that when you are new and alone you have no options with personal contact. You can't just call up your buddies at the drop of a hat and go hang least not yet. So there's that. Also, I started work yesterday which leaves my bride at home by herself during the day. I'm not saying we won't meet people or that this is just too hard for us (come on people, we've only been here a week) I'm just stating what's going on now.
So, back to my bride. She has held up so well, and is taking this with such a great spirit. This is not easy for either of us, especially her and I realize that. She is such a trooper, such a wonderful companion and has been such a servant and caretaker to me during this whole time. What an amazing woman.
I remember when I first saw Heather singing on stage 8 years ago at a little club in Burleson Texas and I would have never dreamed that she would even talk to me. And look at us now. My wife is the most amazing woman in the world, and has always been the one there for me to jabber to about work (and I jabber), to voice my ideas/frustrations/complaints to, to listen to me practice my speeches, to iron my clothes for a big day, to pray for me when I'm not there, etc. etc. etc. I love this woman more than words could express and there is no one I would rather make this move and change with than her.

Thank you sweetie for who you are and what you always do for me every single day.

Love you =)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Monday, March 12, 2007


Ok kids, first day over and in the bag, and what a whirlwind. Maybe it's because I've been off a week (actually two weeks off of my normal routine) or maybe it's just because I'm in a new area, but this will take some getting used to. I am so accustomed to just being in a place where I know where I'm going, who I will see, and how they will react like the back of my hand. Not so much anymore. I am going to be challanged (and actually already have been) in my leadership style, how I handle myself with certain personalities, and what I say around EVERYONE. I am in a really uncomfortable position right now, but I know that each day will get better and better. I just have never had to focus so much energy in keeping my mouth shut and watching. I'm tired of preparing for this that and the other and I would rather just dig in and start working with my people as opposed to meeting meeting and then meeting again. But such is life, and I need to understand the backside of the business first in order to be succssful at all. we go =).


First day

So I sit here in our study this morning at 5:30am, coffee brewing in the background as I prepare to go in for my first day at my new store. I'm excited, scared, nervous, etc. It is new territory and as David Daniels said before we left, God has all this laid out for us anyways so why be terrified...rather as God told Joshua, "be strong and very courageous".

A few random notes:
  • NCAA tourney bracket came out and our new local hometown boys, Oral Roberts University made it in this year with a 14 seed in the East division. They will play on Thursday again Washington State at 2:30pm. Check them out.
  • My prediction for my friend Andy...Aggies win in first round, but get pounded by Louisville in the second.
  • Take time today to greet someone you maybe have always noticed but never said hi to (a co-worker, student, neighbor). Who knows what is going on in their life at that moment in which you could play a significant role.
Well the coffee is done, so I must go prepare for the day. Pray for Heather and I as we continue our adventure in these unknown parts.

Much Love


Sunday, March 11, 2007

First Week

Well, here we are in Tulsa. It's been 5 days already and so far things have been great. Tulsa is (or can be) a much hipper town than I's all in where you go in town. The move was interesting to say the least and I will expound on this later, but until then you can check out some pics of the move by clicking the link to the right.

Heather and I are holding together well, but are having a fun time learning a new city.

Several key things we've learned in the small time we've been here:

  • We don't know our directions (i.e. North, South, East and West) as well as we thought
  • We realize how important it is to greet people who have just moved in, and we have not met any of our neighbors.
  • We are realizing exactly how important community is. As we sat at dinner the other night, we saw many couples and friends hanging out, laughing, talking...we both looked at each other with that feeling that we just wanted someone to talk to. (Thanks to all of you who have called, sent texts or emailed's kept us going, and we miss you all a ton).

We still have a lot to learn, a lot to explore, and a lot to get used to, but all in all I think Tulsa is a great town. We have a great house with a great guest bedroom (hint hint) and we are ready for any of you to come visit soon. It's getting late, and I must turn in for my first day at work tomorrow, but check back soon for more updates.
